SOLVED: Theme style form field border-radius is not applied to upload file buttons

Bricks Version: 1.4


Form field border radius defined in theme style doesn’t apply to upload file buttons.
It is OK when setting border radius for upload fields in the form element, though.

It seems border-radius is applied to field input tags but not upload fields label tags (which are the actual buttons of these fields and not only a label).


Hi Yan,
Thanks so much for your report!

I was able to reproduce the issue(s) and added it to our bug tracker.

Best regards,

Hey Yan,
the issues have also been fixed in Bricks 1.5beta.
Please let us know if you still encounter any issues.

Regarding the label: When you click the label of a text input the mouse focus also goes to the input field. So when I click on the upload label (text), I expect the upload popup to open. So we’ll leave it like that.

Best regards,

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