SOLVED: Styling on Class does not work anymore

Browser: Firefox 112.0.1
OS: macOS


Yesterday I noticed, that styling on a class does not work anymore for Row Gap and Height. It shows in the builder but not in the frontend.

Styling on ID-level still works.

This problem occured with the update to

Could you take a look and confirm + solve this?

Thank you


Hi Philipp,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I can’t confirm it out of the box. With which element(s) does the problem occur? Can you provide me with a live link where I can see the problem and simple steps to reproduce it if necessary?

Best regards,

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Hi @timmse,

I wrote an email to you with login credentials.
I also created a page for you to see the problem directly.

Thanks for taking the time to investigate!

Hi Philipp,
We have found the problem: your global classes contained an empty array. We can’t yet say for sure what caused this, but we are already working on a solution and have implemented the potential fix on your installation.

This report may be the same problem, but we have not yet been able to reproduce it: SOLVED: Some of classes' styling not loading on front-end - #5 by lustadesign


Hi @timmse,

thank you so much! Could you tell me how to implement said solution on my other server? I have only invited you to a copy of my server and would like to fix it everywhere :slight_smile:

In the linked thread you guys are talking about automatic.css AUTO BEM feature, I also used this. Maybe it is connected?

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I’ve forwarded your email to one of our developers - let’s see!

Maybe - but as I said, we haven’t been able to reproduce it yet. As this is a third-party feature, we can’t spend an infinite amount of time on it.

Hi Philipp,

We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.9.7(.1), now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Please take your time and read the changelog carefully as Bricks 1.9.7(.1) contains breaking changes that will make your Bricks website more secure.

Changelog: Bricks 1.9.7 Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

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