SOLVED: Sticky Header (sticky on scroll + slide-up) causes overflow

You’re welcome. The only question is whether submenus will still work then :thinking:

@timmse I can confirm that it does create issues with submenus getting clipped.
I also tried it with overflow-x instead but that just made it worse…

So, this workaround is only fine for sites that don’t have submenus (and are not planning to add any in the future…) :thinking:


The alternative is to prevent the overflow on the html element @Niko_S

html {
overflow-x: hidden;

Then also the submenus work without problems. However, introducing this as default could lead to significantly more problems…

@timmse yep. Wouldn’t it be easier to just re-open this ticket and have the header element fixed in the Bricks system? :wink:


Could you fix the problem. I don’t think it makes sense to fix problems with “tricks”. At some point this will lead to chaos.

I don’t think the problem has been solved.

Using html » overflow-x: hidden solves the problem for now, and it’s not a trick. It’s just regular CSS.

If we provide a quick fix for this, it would probably be nothing different - but could cause other problems. The problem is already on the list, but as I said: one thing at a time…

@timmse So, I think I found the culprit that triggers the horizontal scrolling. It only happens when the mobile menu is set to “Right”.

Example Website

Mobile Menu Setting:

Sticky Header Settings:

Hi Claudio,
Yes, Niko had already mentioned it here: SOLVED: Sticky Header (sticky on scroll + slide-up) causes overflow - #15 by Niko_S

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I had seen the post, liked and also forgotten again. :joy:

I’m really glad to see the ticket status has changed to “Work in progress” :grinning:

Anyway, for those who can’t wait, here’s a neat alternative solution that works like a charm in Bricks: Sliding Sticky Header For Your Website (Headroom.JS Tutorial) - Isotropic

Just make sure the header container you’re targeting is set to position: “fixed”…

Hey guys,
Bricks 1.6 (Beta 2) contains a fix for this problem.

You can download it manually in your account:

Best regards,

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How is this solved when I’m using 1.6.1 and I am still having this issue and not using sticky on scroll and it doesn’t matter if mobile is right or left.

I think my problem (for which I am still waiting for an answer) is somehow connected to this.

Something is just not working with the scroll-up function.



Same here. @timmse
When i turn on Sticky header (just the sticky option) the header will be overflow in mobile view.
When i turn off, the header is good.

The problem is position:fixed.
If i change it in chrome postition: sticky; and top:0 change top:0 !important will working good!

I just got this solution from timmse (put this code in custom css)

#brx-header::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;

and it works.

My problem is gone.



@timmse , @luistinygod

Sorry, I posted my answer to wrong topic.

Hey guys!

@Quint & @simplecreative Can you provide me with a live link?

@Patric I still think your problem is completely different - maybe it’s caused by the sticky header CSS, but the fix won’t do anything about this issue.

Best regards,