SOLVED: Samsung Internet Browser does not display the site logo with logo element

Bricks Version: 1.3. 6
Browser: Samsung Internet Browser v16.0.6.23 (Tablet only (Galaxy Tab A))
OS: Android 10 One II 2.1 (In One-UI 2.0, the logo is displayed)

Please does anyone have a tip on how I can display the source text of the page in the Samsung Internet Browser and how to find the error?

However, the logo is only not displayed in the frontend of one device.

In Bricks Builder on the same device when editing the header, the logo is displayed properly.

Hi Matze,

I also happen to have a Galaxy Tab lying here and have just visited three sites that I know use the logo element (two of them each with an SVG as logo, one with a PNG): works fine for me (v16.0.6.23). All sites are running Bricks 1.3.6 or 1.3.4.

Best regards,

Do you know what the One UI I read from the device data could be?

The One UI 2.0 (on the Galaxy XCover Pro) shows the logo, but unfortunately the tablet with the One UI 2.1 (on the Tablet) does not.

Unfortunately no idea… sorry.
Btw. my Galaxy Tab is running:

  • One UI Core 3.1
  • Android 11

Do you happen to know a possibility like the development tools from Chrome and Co on the PC with F12 for tablet with this browser? With which one can look for causes?

Unfortunately not. Just now was the first (and probably last) time that I used this browser :joy:

This bug is fixed for me with version 1.3.7 beta.

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