SOLVED: reCaptcha Error / Translations

I have a strange behaviour with google recpatha. I’ve used for sites in Portuguese Brazil and English Version, I have different fields or translations errors.

but I don’t know why any solutions isn’t working. There’s a div hidden inside my forms with API key errors. using the V3 keys.

the Bricks is updated here.

Hey Andre,

thanks for your report.

I can confirm that we have to update the translations here.

Can you please be a bit more precise regarding the actual error though? You’re inputting a v3 site key and a v3 secret key and it works on some pages but does not work on others? Or it does not work at all? Are there any errors in the console?

Please add the following custom CSS to your site / page and check if the reCAPTCHA badge is output at the bottom right of the page that contains the form element:

.grecaptcha-badge {
  visibility: visible !important;

In my tests this works as expected.



Thank you Andre,
Is working, with this CSS I can see the badge.

If you just see in the code, before the threre’s an error div, is not visible, but it seems to show “invalid recapcha key” Is not a big issue.


Hi Andre,
We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.8.5, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

Issue still existing, we keep having this error too unfortunately


since this is an older topic and it was supposed to be solved quite a while back, would you mind recording a video about replicating a bug, or share some screenshots?

Thank you,

The problem was solved with a workaround here:

But I was wondering if this could be fixed without having to do that workaround