SOLVED: Random seed TTL not working if is Main Archive query set

So I was happy to see a good solution for the random sorting issue with adding the “Random seed TTL” option. Unfortunately that does not work here.
The same products appear on the second page and some are missing while changing the shop main product archive loop. So it is definitely not working as expected. The pagination is loaded via Ajax loader. What I’m missing here? No caching is active on the staging. I do have another product loop in the side bar but that one is not set to “main query”. Is that one interfering here?
Does “disable query merge” need to be proactive activated if the main query is already defined as main query or in other words my thought was that defining “main query” is already disabling merge for all queries with that one?

//Edit: Maybe not unrelated. What about the default shop archive sorting “Products order by”. We have the WP default settings in “appearance > customize”. We have the Bricks element which does not set a default but which are available. Then we have Query loop which does not even provide “sort by popularity” for instance.

So with it is still not working. What a magic is needed to get it to work? Just tested it on the staging for a shop archive with a 60 minutes seed. Every page refresh and the products on the first page of the shop archive change. Going thought the pagination of the archive and the same products appear multiple times.

Hi Mike,
Thanks so much for your report, and I’m sorry for the late reply.

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue, and we don’t have any other reports. Would you be so kind as to send information on where we can see the issue, temporary login credentials, and a link to this thread to using the email address you used during the purchase?

Best regards,

Hi @Mike8040 ,

Thank you so much and I can confirm the random seed not being injected if “Is main query” set.
Already recorded into the bug tracker.


Hi Mike,

We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.9.8 beta, now available as a manual download in your account (see changelog).

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

As with any beta release, please do not use it on a production or live website. It is only meant for testing in a local or staging environment.