SOLVED: Query loop - order by custom field in taxonomy

Bricks Version: 1.5
Browser: Safari and Chrome
OS: macOS
URL: local

Hello everyone,

Your help is much appreciated!

Situation: Several CPT’s with custom taxonomies. Added custom field to taxonomy ‘Corporate position’. I would like to order the CPT (team members) according to the custom value in this taxonomy.

Example: (Sort automatically)

  1. Chairman
  2. Treasurer
  3. Secretary
  4. General board member

Issue: selecting this custom field doesn’t output anything (also not in a plain textfield). Also, I tried using shortcodes, different dynamic values, etc. But non of them produce anything. After to much efforts, my Query Loop stopped working entirely. :disappointed_relieved:

Any suggestions on how you would approach this?

Hope anybody can help! :pray:t3:


@PB86nl I think I am having the exact same problem, but using Metabox for my fields. If I try to order the query results by “Meta Value” anything I put into that fields breaks my query and everything stops showing.

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@duckjerkdan - I read your post and it really looks very similar. I’m using JetEngine (for the first time) and ACF. Now I’m just sorting items by manually altering the publication date, but I would like a more intuitive way.

What is your work-around?

@thomas - can you confirm that this is a bug? :slightly_smiling_face:

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I, too, am having trouble sorting terms in the taxonomy by custom field. I hope the developers will add this feature. When working with post types it is possible and sorting works there without any problems.

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@timmse is there any hope for adding these simple query capabilities for terms? Lots of terms have custom ACF fields.

+1 for this. I would like to see the ability to order a taxonomy query result list by custom field. Thanks

Hi guys,
Sorry - we completely missed this thread back then, but I have good news:

We are currently working on various improvements regarding the query loop order settings and if I understand the task correctly, this will solve your problem. If nothing else comes up, it will be ready in the next version :confetti_ball:

I’m moving this thread to feature requests/improvements, since it’s not a bug, and will let you know once it’s included :v:


Hi guys,
We’ve added some improvements and new settings in Bricks 1.11.1, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Changelog: Bricks 1.11.1 Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

I don’t see how 1.11.1 solved the OPs question of sorting the post query loop by a taxonomy or a custom field inside a taxonomy.

I think so too.
It has Term order by it’s meta only.
Demand is Post = Order by Taxonomy, ordered by Taxonomy meta.