I updated Bricks from v1.7.0 to v1.7.1 and my Load More Button interaction seems to have broken on my Search Results template and Custom Post Type archive template.
It does work fine for my Custom Taxonomy Archive template.
Clicking the load more button on the Search Template does nothing and the button remains visible.
Clicking the load more button on the Custom Post Type Archive Template results in the load more button disappearing but nothing loading from the query loop.
These load more buttons was working fine on Bricks 1.7.0
Thanks Timmse. The load more interaction works again but unfortunately a bug from Bricks 1.7.0 is back where the Search and CPT Archive Template do not display the correct data on the front end if there is a query on the page (for some reason a Taxonomy Archive Template works). In the Bricks editor it displays correctly.
Here is the bug that has come back that I had reported previously: