SOLVED: Query loop for posts not working on all product archive pages

Bricks Version: 1.5.7
Browser: Chrome 107.0.5304.107
OS: Windows

I put a query loop at the footer to query the recent post, It works on all the pages except the Product archive pages. It will be empty on those pages.


Hi Alf,
Welcome to the forum, and thanks so much for your report!

I was able to reproduce the issue and added it to our bug tracker.

Best regards,

It’s been a month, still not fixed? :frowning:

Just checking in @timmse to see if there’s any movement on the fix for this yet?

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi guys,
We’ve fixed this bug in Bricks 1.7 beta, now available as a manual download in your Bricks account: Account – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

I think the fix is only to fix the post show on the template type ‘WooCommerce - Single product’ , and if you check the ‘WooCommerce - Product archive’ , it will still empty at the footer.

I have a demo site for customer
this is the WooCommerce - Product archive , you will see no post at the bottom
Exterior Care – Ocean Star – Premier Household Supplies Contract Manufacturer & Private Label Supplier (


May I know did you turn this on for the Recent Posts query in the footer?


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Thanks @itchycode , I didn’t notice the toggle before. Now the query loop is working, the bug is fixed

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Hi guys, I had the same issue, so many thanks for the fix:) Although I have another problem, that occurs only on archive pages: when I try to use blog posts on product category archive page, I can see the posts (after checking disable query merge), but the pagination completely doesn’t work. When I click the number literally nothing happens. Anyone managed to solved that problem?

Hi @ziemo ,

Kindly create a new thread with more details on your setup.
Alternatively, you could send your question to including your temp admin access.

PS: Please use your purchased Bricks email when sending as we will do some license verification in email support channel.


i got also problems with the pagination
 did you have 2 different query loops on your site?

hi @itchycode, ok I will try to reach the support, if they provide a fix I will post here for others;) Thanks for your reply;)

@Wario: hi, thanks for your reply. Well I noticed that it glitches only on archive pages if you use a query that “doesn’t belong” to the archive. So let’s say you have an archive for the Woo Product Category and you want to place some additional custom post type grid/slider, or even simple blog posts - then the pagination won’t work. If you replicate it on “normal” page - it will be all ok. So this bug happens only on archive pages.

sorry - my mistake. Normal page also have this issue if you enable “disable query merge” toggle. If you don’t, then it will also work bad, because one pagination will trigger another;) I think this is some bigger issue

The question is: What do you expect when using two different queries (each with its own pagination element) on one page? In the end it is only one url like

Can you show an example of any page with such a setup?

well the potential scenario is not hard to imagine:P Please take a look at this: Affinity Designer 2 - krystian (62.0%) 2023-04-11 at 10.10.33 AM

This would be an archive page for Woo Product category. I need to show the grid of products + section with “inspirations” (blog posts). Both need separate paginations. It would be super easy to do in Divi for example, but somehow in Bricks it doesn’t work
 even if I tick the “ajax” box it refuses to work:-S

also if you use for example wpgrid builder plugin - it has no issues with multiple queries with pagination on one site