SOLVED: Query Builder Sub level Nested Repeater/Group Metabox/ACF doesn’t work

I think it will come. They started with zero support for repeater. They added support for repeaters - ACF, Metabox & Jetengine, then they added support for relationships for all. Currently bricks have the highest support for dynamic plugins.

Pods, CMB2, Toolset, ACF/Metabox/Jetengine (Repeaters + Relationships also), Normal Custom Fields registered in REST API, PHP dynamic function. No other theme or builder have this level of dynamic integration.

There is a bug for PHP dynamic function not working in some elements and I think sub level nested repeater query is more of a feature request than bug.

Hello @g97iulio,

Thank you for this report.

Could you please be more specific? How can I reproduce the issue?

We fixed an issue in 1.5-beta that was preventing a nested ACF repeater query inside of a posts query. What is the use case that is not working at your end?

Of course really simple :
Repeater Level 1:R1
Sub repeater Level 2: R2
Sub Repeater Level 3: R3

If you try to render R2 or R3 with query loop You will get in the best case only the first element of the Sub repeater R2, R3 doesn’t even render the first element .

Zion , Oxygen have it

Hello @g97iulio

I’ve tested ACF nested repeaters, on 1.5-beta, and for me it works:
Data inside the editor (3 levels of repeaters):



For ACF, do you have a specific different scenario?


Hello @g97iulio

I’ve reproduced the same scenario with Meta Box nested groups and it also works:





Wow. Bricks support every type of dynamic query!

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Can i have the onor to mark it as solved :heart_eyes: . Just 1 thing : Please stop use auto translate for italian language, i’ll more than happy to help you to translate but please right now there’s some name that is :rofl:

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Hello @g97iulio ,

Nice that you figured it out!

Could you please contact us at with the Italian translation improvements?

Hey, here you’ll find some information how to help translate bricks:

Much appreciated!

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Of course I’ll do it in the next few days .


Hi @luistinygod, please can you also check of this works with the Jet Engine repeater? I can’t get it to work if I imitate it exactly.

This look great, how do you setup the query loop? I see you’re using three loops?
I can’t get it to work atm.

Hello @DBD

Does the JetEngine repeater field supports nesting?

Hello @Alexnl

You would need to set multiple query loops. Imagine that you have an ACF Repeater for Staff, and inside you have an ACF repeater for Contacts, and inside of the contacts, you have another ACF Repeater for the Contact itself.

In the builder, you would need to set a container with a QL (Query Loop) for the Staff. Inside this container, you would place another container and set the QL to Contacts. Inside this last container, you would need to insert another container and set the QL to Contact.

If you still can make it work, please let me know what is your scenario.


I use meta box groups and I want to display a restaurant menu.
I created a CPT “Take Away Dishes”, with “starters”, “salads”, etc.
In I have custom (clonable) fieldgroup “Dishes” containing: “Name of the dish”, “description”, Price".

What is the right structure for the query?
Do I need to set the first query type to posts “MB Group: Dishes”?
Can you point me in the right direction?

Hi @luistinygod , I asked them, but no they don’t have. Is there no other solution for this problem?

Hello @DBD

If the JetEngine Repeater do not support nesting, then you can’t use nested query loops based on the JetEngine Repeater.

If you need to nest repeaters use ACF or Meta Box.

Hello @Alexnl

Without seeing all the details, I would say you would need to set a query loop of the CPT “Take Away Dishes” to loop through the starters, the salads, the mains, …

Then, inside the CPT loop, you would set a new query loop based on the MB Group: dishes, to list all the dishes.

This is the solution indeed! I got it working last week, but forget to post the details.
I changed my setup so it makes more sense now (for me).

I have a accordion with 4 tabs. “Chefs Menu”, “Starters”, Soup", “Salads”. These are my post titles.
On each parent div of each tab I have a query loop with CPT “take away dishes” and I include a different type of dish ( my titles): “startes”, “salads”, “main”.
The div wich contains the content of the accordeon I query loop MB groups “menu”.

In this way I can query the header on each tab and the content when I open the tab.
On every new tab I only change the “include post” on the parent div.