Hi all, I posted this as a How-to I should have done this as Bug.
I am trying to pull some dynamic data from an ACF Repeater that is being called by a query loop that has a Popup template in the structure of the page. I read the academy guide to set the Popup template within the query that pulls the data and it is pulling correctly. Nonetheless, when the popup is shown, it only shows the results of the first CPT, despite there are more than one CPTs.
Builder Popup set
(As you can see the template is in the sibling’s child level. The first query loop pulls the CPTs the second pulls the Repeater, if any of those is not set, the query doesn’t work)
Popup with dynamic data
(This is the data that is being pulled from the repeater that is called by the query loop)
After that setup at the front end the data is showed only for the first CPT (bottom one) and for a second CPT (above) the dynamic data pulls the fist CPT dynamica data and the same for the third.
If I am not clear enough, do let me know to further explain myself. In the link you can see live what is happening.
would you mind testing without the outer loop, just the inner one? Can you reproduce the error with only one loop as well?
Please let me know, because I tested with one loop, and was working fine, but with two, I had some problems, but not the same as you, so I would like to make sure.
Hi @Matej! I did that test several times just like you mentioned, but if I do not include the first query loop, the repeater will not show any repeater (I assume it doesn’t know what posts it should query). See the videos of test done:
since I can’t reproduce your exact problem on my local install, would be possible to send temporary login credentials to your website and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used during the purchase, so we can take a look?
thank you for the credentials I was able to replicate the issue and I’ve added it to the internal bug tracker.
Once it is solved, we will update this forum thread.