SOLVED: Post Navigation: Alignment Issues on Mobile

Same issue as mentioned in this post.

Once the page navigation gets to the mobile breakpoint the arrows disappear (I wish there was a setting where we could control when this happens). I then set the flex direction to column and the link to 100%.

The problem is there is no way to set the flex direction on the next navigation element so it looks off as it is all right justified. I add in some custom css to fix this but in reality the widget should be doing this. BTW I have the image for the post navigation disabled.

.brxe-post-navigation .next-post {
    justify-content: flex-start;

Hi Tom,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I can’t understand/reproduce that. Do you have a live link where I can see the problem?

That’s true and could be improved.

Best regards,

I sent you a direct message with the details.

Hi Tom,
Thanks so much for the credentials!

There seems to be a difference between inline styles and external files. With inline styles, there is no issue and no display: none :crazy_face: We’ll check that!

Best regards,

Hi Tom,
We’ve fixed this bug in Bricks 1.8.2, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

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