SOLVED: Polylang does not see template types Section and Single

Bricks Version: 1.3.7

Hi, as you can see in the screenshot, it seems that Polylang does not “see” the template types Section and Single. Anyone encountered the same issue?

Update, if I edit the template, set the language again and update, the language flag will then be associated to the template type.

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Hi Max,
Welcome to the forum and thanks for reaching out!

So the problem has solved itself? I love it when that happens :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hi Timmse,
Thank you!

Yes, the problem seems to have solved itself, and yes…it’s nice when this happens!
Kind regards,


I am not even able to get the flags in the templates overview… How did you got those in the first place? I tried reinstalling, but nothing seems to work.

You have to activate support for the bricks_template post type.


Haha I feel like such a fool. I clicked this open just before posting my question and completely missed this option. After updating everything with the right language, I got this to work. Lovely!