SOLVED: Open Popup on click interaction no longer working

Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Jam

I have built a website for a client and upon clicking on buttons on specific landing pages a custom form popup should appear. This was working before a recent bricks update and nothing has been amended, as I’ve been awaiting content changes from the client.

Since the recent Bricks update, these popup forms no longer appear.

My bricks settings screenshots:-

Anyone else having issues with popups

Hello @webdevd

Try removing Jam.Dev extension.

Sorry but why would I remove the extension? Also not sure what that has to do with the popups no longer working? I never had the extension installed until I wanted to raise this bug, so it’s definitely nothing to do with that extension.

No need for your apologies.

The JD bug is affecting button actions that result in a popup, i.e. single image button, featured image buttons that create a popup to allow you to choose an image…See some correlation to your bug for me to offer a suggestion? i.e. click button for popup…but clicked button but no popup.

If it does not apply, great, at least that’s one less thing it could be right :+1:.

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Got you, just read your post about the Jam Dev extension. Ye my case wouldn’t apply as I didn’t actually have it installed before making that post.

Going to try and figure out why it isn’t working by trying it on a different site but popups were definitely working before one of the latest updates

I can also confirm that the Popup interaction onclick doesn’t work when testing on another one of my websites. So this is definitely a bug in my opinion.

Hey @webdevd,

since I can’t reproduce the bug you are describing, can you send temporary login credentials to your test/staging website and a link to this thread to using the email address you used during the purchase, so we can take a look?

I think that will help us the most. Maybe you can just make sure that popup is loaded on a page where you have a button.

Best regards,

It sounds like the recent Bricks update might have introduced an issue affecting the popup functionality. If popups were working before and now are not, this could be due to changes in how Bricks handles interactions. For TraceShipments, ensuring that interactive elements like modals or popups work reliably is crucial for user experience, especially when displaying shipment details or forms. It’s worth checking if similar issues occur with other interactive elements and considering reaching out to support with specific details to expedite a resolution.

So the issue my end was that I had the Default maintenance template active. The latest update disables pop ups when in maintenance mode.

There is a small bug where you can’t enable pop ups within the default template so switching templates and enabling worked for me.

I reached out to Bricks support and they told me what the issue was within an hour so again brilliant support as always.

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