1- After updating to version 1.10, the offset Effect in the offcanvas element does not work on RTL websites.
2- In an LTR website, if the offset effect is active in the offcanvas element and the direction is on the left (default), if we view the website with a mobile phone, after the offcanvas is opened, the horizontal scroll is fully visible. But if we set the direction to “right”, the horizontal scrolling is completely fixed. I have tested this bug only in Chrome browser - Android.
It is the same on the RTL website. Since in the new version offcanvas offset effect doesn’t work in RTL, I couldn’t test it in RTL. Please, if possible, test the right and left direction in RTL after fixing the first issue.
Thanks for checking the bug. Please watch the video below. Everything is fine until the 10th second. But after that (I changed the direction of offcanvas to the left) when Offcanvas is opened, the scrolling of the browser is activated and it is possible to scroll the page easily. Please note that I do not close offcanvas. I just drag the page left and right.
In the video below, the wordpress language is LTR. But there is also this problem in RTL. Of course, in RTL, the offcanvas direction must be set to the right for the problem to appear.
you are right. I should be a bit more specific here. The #2 is not yet solved, but the first one should be.
It does not work for you, even if you refresh the browser?