SOLVED: [No name] Form Name in Form Submissions

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows

Hello Everyone,

I have 2 Form Elements with Fields and Form names as follows:

  1. Subscribe Form (Form name)
  • Email Field (Email Type)
  1. Inquiry Form (Form name)
  • Name Field (Text Type)
  • Email Field (Email Type)
  • Phone Field (Tel Type)
  • Message Field (Text Area)

In Bricks General Settings, I turned on the Save form submissions in database option and only chose Save submission on the Actions tab.

I did a test to input data on the form on both forms and it was perfectly normal. However, when I check on the WP Admin > Bricks > Form Submissions tab, the only Form that shows the correct Form name is from the ‘Inquiry Form’ whereas the Subscribe Form turned onto [No name]. Is this a bug or am I missing something here?

Here’s what I did so far:

  • Change the Subsrcibe Form to any name
  • Recerate another form from scratch

But it does not seem to work either. I’m not an expert and have been trying to figure this thing out for the past 48 hours, thank you in advance & I appreciate any kind of suggestion to fix it.

I attached the following screenshot:

Form submission


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It only happens if Form is inserted inside a Global Template (Header/Footer). In this case, I put the form element on a Footer. I tried copying and pasting this form element to the Contact page.


So, if the form is inserted inside a Template, it’d become [No name] in Form Submissions.

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Hi @ghinoluqyano ,

Thank you so much for the report.
You are right, the form in the footer or header template is unable to show the Form name inside Form submissions page.
Recorded in the bug tracker.



Hello, I have a similar issue with this. I can’t update the form name in the submissions section no matter what I do. It is not in a template or header/footer.


Hi Adrian, Where exactly are your forms located?

Hi Timmse,

On a bricks page.

Have you added a name to the form? I can’t reproduce the problem on regular pages.

CleanShot 2024-03-12 at 11.31.04@2x

Yep, I have

It is annoying because I have other forms on pages that have names just fine, but this one and one other seem to not be registering. All forms are on different pages.

I’m just wondering how the form name field gets to the top :thinking:

Can you please send temporary login credentials and a link to this thread to using the email address you used during the purchase?

Done, thanks Timmse!

Looks like the plugin is messing up the form settings panel. Since Bricks should be supported, it’s best to reach out to them about the issue.

As soon as the plugin is disabled, the “Form name” input at the top disappears and the correct form name is used (with newly added forms).

Same problem for me. Will this be fixed, have the devs addressed this bug yet?

Hi @truetundra , which problem are you referring to?

The originally reported problem (forms in header/footer templates) is still in progress (WIP in title = work in progress). We will try to solve it as soon as possible.

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Same problem here, in my footer. Thanks for this report!

Hi guys,

We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.9.8 beta, now available as a manual download in your account (see changelog).

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

As with any beta release, please do not use it on a production or live website. It is only meant for testing in a local or staging environment.

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