SOLVED: Nested submenu / Dropdown in Dropdown

Hi all,
I upgraded to 1.11.1 this morning on my staging site and noticed some some strange submenu behavior.

If you hover over “Land a job” and try to open the submenu, the submenu disappears.

However, this is not an issue on the prod site with 1.11


I too am having the exact same behavior with my drop downs. It happens with both the Nav and the Nestable Nav element.

Hi @lynxm & @shingen,

Thank you for your report! I’m able to replicate this locally and have created an internal task so we can fix it.


Perfect, thank you @charaf. Appreciate the effort! =]

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Same probleme here, on two different sites.

Hopefully the fix comes really quick, since this makes our websites unusable.

@martin.sauter we’re working on a fix but in the meantime please feel free to downgrade to 1.11 which you can access from your account area at

There is also an issues with the dropdowns when you have the dropdown set to activate on hover, it no longer adds a ::before psueudo element to allow you to move your mouse into the dropdown content. For instance if you have the content sitting much lower, the moment you move the mouse down and outside of the li.brxe-dropdown to move into the dropdown content, that gap in between the two items will close the dropdown.

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Following… eagerly (please get a fix out asap)

It works the same way for me as before. Which menu are you using, and can you provide a live link where I can see the issue? @sleeplesskxng

Following it too… got the same issue with websites from my clients.

Hope the fix comes quick.

Same issues here:

The problem seems to be connected in my case to the caret. Now the desktop submenu works as expected, but as you can tell the caret is stretched.

.brxe-dropdown:not([data-toggle=“click”]):hover .brx-dropdown-content::before {
bottom: 100%;
content: “”;
height: var(–brx-dropdown-height-before,60px);
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
z-index: 1;

If I change the width of this element so the caret looks normal, the submenu does not stay when I hover to the item but dissapears.

Same here, issues with websites from my clients, Is there any news about this? maybe a quick fix?

I have the exact same issue. I also have it in the normal NAV MENU element where I have a SUBMENU. The moment I hover over the SUBMENU to drop it down it also disappears. I have to move my mouse further away as what the menu size is to see the menu again when I move my mouse over the top menu. This after 1.11.1 update.

We are having the same issue on multiple websites. my bad didn’t test it before upgrading

Following the Topic, we have the issue on our websites (Bricks 1.11.1).

Same with my client’s site. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. I’ll downgrade to 1.11 in the meantime.

Hi guys,
We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Changelog: Bricks Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

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Here is an example that I just came across:

looks like you updated it to add an ::after element to the dropdown content i see. But it looks like it sometimes doesnt work on websites and I cant pinpoint why.

figured it out.

if you try to add a border radius to the dropdown content but you want the entire link inside the dropdown to be clickable like in the orange area you have to set the dropdown to overflow: hidden; which causes the after element to be ignored. just means its something people need to be aware of and change implementation to add radius to the first and last child within the dropdown instead of the dropdown content.

Hi Nick,
Yep - the overflow: hidden on the dropdown content should have been problematic before, see my reply from June.