SOLVED: Nestable Slider: Slider element doesn't output ID on the front end

Bricks Version: 1.5-Beta
Browser: Chrome 90
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Screenshot provided(will provide link when it’s necessary)

I started to use a nestable slider to build my slider on the homepage.

I found a bug as soon as I start building it.

I used background images for the slider instead of an image element. I find the slider element(as shown in the screenshot) doesn’t output IDs on the front end. So, the background image will not appear(you can see the grey background there) because the background image was set to the IDs(all the images will be the same image if I set it to a class).

Here is the HTML on the front end.

And, I found another weird thing is that there is only 1 slide in the slider but it outputs 4 slides in the HTML output.

Another issue I find is about the old slider element. I have set display:none for the slider, but it is still not hiding.

The overlay background for the flat slider is no longer working in 1.5(front end)

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you!

Hi Jornes,
Thanks so much for your report!

The problem is that the background image is currently added twice. Once inside a style tag and once as the background image of the slide wrapper. I have added this to the bug tracker.

The default setting of the slider type is “Loop”. This automatically duplicates the slides so that the slider can slide. You can set it to “Slide”, then the markup will contain only the one slide. Accordingly, no bug.

Best regards,

Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-06 um 14.55.13

Hi @timmse

Added twice by the builder?

My end, I only added the background image to the slider element with ID, then style the background image using a class.

Alright. I will test it out again. :wink:

Yes, that’s why I’ve added it to the :bug: tracker.

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Alright. Thanks for it! :+1:

*I haven’t yet explored the setting yet. Will explore more. :smiley:

What about the old slider? I set display none but the slider still showing in the front end.
And, the overlay for the old slider is not working in 1.5.

Sorry, I missed that point.

Display none: I’m not able to reproduce it, but maybe it helps to move the slider out of the loop,
disable “Cache query loops” in Bricks settings if enabled.

Overlay: confirmed.

Hi @timmse

I want to say(feeling weird though),
It seems everything is working fine after I wrapped the slider with a DIV now. Even the background image(bug reported) for the nestable slider also worked now. :sweat_smile:

Now, I want to ask, how can I set the slider to keep looping after the last slide(currently it stops when it’s the last slide)? I don’t see any loop option. Now, I can only see the rewind. That’s not what I wanted to achieve.

I found another bug(maybe). The arrow for the nestable slider is not clickable. When I click, no response from it.

Am I missing anything??

@jornes Should all be working in the latest 1.5 RC2 (Bricks – Account). If you still experience any of the issues with the nestable slider, please let me know.

The nestable slider should loop by default.

Works for me. Please make sure you provide a prev & next arrow. If only one arrow is set, it might not work.

Thanks @thomas !

This is another site. I will check it out and confirm this. :smiley:

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