SOLVED: Nav Menu in Header outputting twice the Menu

Hi, actually the Nav Menu in the heading section is now always outputted twice. further even I wrap the nav menu and the icon/image in a different container and adjust the width. it will only be displayed on top of each other instead of aside from each other. and actually, I know how to set it up, because I did it several times…, so my guess is, there must be something from sweat_smile:

those screenshots are from the stagging site!

and because i remember to give more information

it seems that the second nav menu is a mobile menu wrapper

Bricks Version: 1.4 RC
Browser: Chrome 90

Even after the latest release it was still there… so I deactivated every Plugin 1 by 1 and by the end… it was WP Compress that is sending the CSS files via CDN. I deactivated that one option and everything works well know =)

Hi Timo,
Thanks for getting back!

Sometimes with such plugins it is necessary to exclude certain areas or files so that everything works as desired. I’m glad you were able to solve the problem yourself.

Best regards,

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I was glad to, so I can also report this issue to WP Compress, and yu can focus on other stuff :sunglasses: