SOLVED: Lost password form gives me an error upon submit

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows

When submitting the lost password form I get an error

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Hi @ChrisBeattie,

I couldn’t replicate the issue locally. Could you please share temporary admin access to with a link to this forum thread? Thanks :slight_smile:

@ChrisBeattie Oh I think I found the bug. Most likely you added a “reset password” action and configured it before changing it to “lost password” which creates some issues.

I have added this to our internal bug tracker.

But to solve your issue all you’ll have to do is to create a new form element with the “lost password” action. Let me know how it goes!

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Thanks, I’ll try now and let you know. Maybe it would be beneficial to add a Email or username selection instead of using a text field, for auto-completion functionality to the user.

Yes, that has fixed the issue. But when clicking the link in the received email, it doesn’t redirect to the custom reset password page, but the original WordPress one. The Reset Password page is selected in the Bricks settings. Do I need to open a new thread?

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Yes and please share a similar video & URL to this thread so we can try replicating it :slight_smile:

Hi Chris,

We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.9.4, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.
Changelog: Bricks 1.9.4 Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

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Great, thanks @timmse :grinning: