SOLVED: Jumplinks stopped working

Browser: Brave
OS: Windows
URL: Yoga and Wellbeing Retreat - Forest Retreats - using CPT single template
Video: Dropbox - bricksjumplinks.mp4 - Simplify your life

Jumplinks not working

Jumplinks used to work on this template but now they don’t. I have tried changing to bricks element ID instead of custom ID but that hasn’t fixed it.

Hi Macky,
Thanks so much for your report!

Please clear the litespeed cache and see if that fixes the problem. I somehow have the feeling that it is still trying to scroll with JS :thinking:

If that doesn’t work, please send me access data.

Best regards,

There is an interaction applied to the surrounding container element to open a popup on click. Maybe this intercepts the click event?


This seems to be the issue indeed: Video uploaded to CleanShot Cloud


Hi @mackarias ,

Yes, I can replicate this issue, as long as an anchor link is inside an interaction div, the anchor link will not work.
Already recorded this into the bug tracker.



@aslotta @itchycode thanks to you both, I’ll have a look at this this week and see if I can fix. Weirdly the jumplinks used to work on this template

Hi Macky,
We’ve fixed this bug in Bricks 1.7.3, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.
Two situations to consider:

  1. If the button has an interaction, the interaction will be applied to the button
  2. If the button has an interaction plus href #abc, the interaction will not be applied to the button, instead, it scrolls to #abc

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

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Hey Timmse!

The site has been experiencing issues since this update:

Page: Yoga and Brunch Morning - Forest Retreats
Issue: When the ‘Book Now’ button is clicked popup doesn’t appear immediately/or at all
Console error when button clicked:

There has been some other issues on other pages using this template, but I can’t recreate them now. All of the retreats on this page use the same template Retreats


I’ve removed ‘external url’ link type from the popup button and it now works! All good, thank you.