SOLVED: Internal Server Error

Bricks Version: 1.3.6
Browser: Chrome 90
OS: Windows 10

  • WP installed
  • Woocommerce Installed
  • Bricks 1.3.6 installed
  • Bricks child installed

When I click the yellow edit with bricks link in templates or pages, I will get an internal server Error 500. This only happens when trying to edit with Bricks.

Hey @CYrus

Welcome to the forum :+1:

This is usually a memory issue. Could you go to your bricks menu and choose system information and look to see if WP memory limit is green and not red.

Hey thanks.

I checked that it is green, I have dedicated 1GB ram to WP. Everything else is also green.

@CYrus This is a modsecurity issue in Plesk. Search the Facebook group for ‘modsecurity’ and you should find my post with the issue I had.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll have a look on FB.

Amazing it works. For others looking in the forum with the same issue.

Internal Server Error using Plesk.

Go to Apache and Nginx settings and add the following to additional directives for HTTP or HTTPS

 <IfModule mod_security2.c>
SecResponseBodyLimit 546870912

Good News! Glad I was able to give ya a hand. :+1:t2:

Thanks. This helped to edit my “Home”-Page problem. Thomas should fix this. No other Page Builder has shown me this bug.

I have the same problem, and I wonder what do you all think about this solution!?


worked out perfect for me (AWS Hosting)

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This was my favourit solution.
Plesk > Tools & Settings > Web Application Firewall > Settings > Configuration > Custom Directives: SecResponseBodyLimit 546870912 Works instantly.

Haven’t tryied this but would bet that it will work like the previous one.
<IfModule mod_security2.c> SecResponseBodyLimit 546870912 </IfModule>

Tryied this at wp-config.php but it didn’t work. Anyway left it there to increase from the default 30.