SOLVED IN 1.4: Page specific custom code issues

Bricks Version: 1.4RC2
Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows


I can’t get page specific CSS working with inline CSS option.
(It is working with external files.)
NOTE: CSS is OK inside the builder.

And I can’t get JS working either.
NOTE: Global custom code in Bricks settings is OK.


(Also tried JS without script tags.)

Can’t reproduce.

Both page-specific CSS and JS work fine for me w/ the inline CSS option.

Thanks @Sridhar, I’ll look deeper how I could break this.

Would you be so kind to tell me where you find your inline CSS in HTML source?
Is there a section in header CSS?
My CSS is nowhere.

I can just find the global custom CSS:


view-source:Test Page – Try Bricks – tf76cfe1

Looks fine for me as well :thinking:

Thanks, I think I reduced the perimeter of the issue…
Tested my CSS and JS on other pages, and it’s working :partying_face:

But why?
Well it seems to work ONLY on pages EXCLUDED from my single page template.

So, could there be something preventing inline PAGE CSS when using a page template?

Can’t reproduce.

I created a “Page” Template that applies to all static Pages except one specific Page (which is built with Bricks).

In the Page Template, I added custom CSS.

It loads on all static Pages except the specific Page as expected.

Thx for testing :slight_smile:
But it’s the other way around, CSS on a page, not in template.

CSS works OK in template, by the way :wink:

So per my gif above, it is “Sample Page”. Correct?

If so, I added custom CSS by editing Sample Page with Bricks and added custom CSS inside it. It loads fine both in the editor and on the front end.

We’re getting closer :wink:
My english may be limited with technical stuff…

It is actually working on excluded pages, but can you add CSS on a page NOT excluded?
This the broken case.

Hey @yankiara ,
I guess I was able to reproduce the issue using inline styles. Seems like page » custom code » custom CSS (on a page) isn’t showing (on frontend) when using inline styles - within the page template it shows.

Can you please switch to external files and see, If that solves the issue?

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Yes, as I explained in my original post, it is OK with external files.

The issue is:

  • inline page specific CSS and JS
  • page using a page template
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Yes, can confirm the issue with inline styles setting. It only works in the editor.

Ok, Thank you guys. Confirmed and added to the bug tracker!


Hi @timmse again,

It seems the issue is not limited to custom code.

I have the same behaviour with Pagination element and a custom CPT query on a static page:

  • If I exlude the page from template, pagination is OK.
  • If I don’t exclude, pagination doesn’t appear.
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Hi Yan,
Thank you! Confirmed and added to the bug tracker as well.

Best regards,

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Having same issue I think.

I’m working with a CPT single post. I enter

/* Hi it’s Andrew */
background: green;

settings/page settings/custom code/custom CSS

And I don’t see that comment anywhere on the front end. But I do see the color applied in the builder. Perhaps I just need to use an external file then?

Hi Andrew,
Since the CSS gets minified, the comments are removed. The issue reported here over two years ago was that styles and JS were not showing at all.