SOLVED IN 1.4: Mobile Menu - Top Level / Sub Menu Close issue

Bricks Version: 1.3.7
**Chrome Android Mobile

To expand a Top Level Menu to Sub Menu; - the ‘open/expand’ feature works, but clicking on the Top Level Menu once again to ‘close/contract’ the Sub Menu does not work.

Please fix.

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Hi Dale,

thank you very much for your report! I can confirm the issue and added it to our todo list.

Best regards,

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+1 for this issue, as it will facilitate the use of long submenus.

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Appears to have been fixed in the latest 1.4 version released today.

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I’m experiencing this issue.
My version is 1.10.3 and also tested on 1.11

Is there something specific I should check?

Thank you

Can you please provide us with a live link and a screencast showing and explaining the issue and the expected result @msansa ?

Thank you for the reply @timmse
Here a screencast with my phone

OS: Android
Model: Xiaomi

Hi Marco,
It seems as if this custom CSS influences the menu behavior:

  /* header list on mobile */
  @media (max-width: 477px) {
    ul {
      display: block !important;

It’d be great if you could remove it, test it again, and see if it works. If it does, you should tweak the selector so it only applies where it should – not to each ul on the whole page.