SOLVED IN 1.4: Form "overflow: hidden" will break inputs outline

Bricks Version: 1.4RC

When the form groups padding will be removed (SOLVED IN 1.4: Wrong padding on form groups), another issue will appear :wink:

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Keep up the good work man! You have single-handedly brought out most of the 1.4 bugs.


I agree @omega :+1:, @yankiara has been smashing it :facepunch:, Awesome to see!


Hi Yan,
letโ€™s leave the padding as it is :sweat_smile:
Joking aside: I donโ€™t get it right now (too much sun today), where does the blue border come from?

Best regards,

I use this custom CSS for better accessibility:

a:focus-visible, button:focus-visible,
input:focus-visible, textarea:focus-visible, select:focus-visible,
[role="button"]:focus-visible {
    outline: 2px solid var(--accent) !important;
	border-radius: var(--button-radius);
	transition: outline 0s;

Could be a nice addition in theme settings :wink:

Thx @omega and @Michael, but you have done a lot too!

And yes, putting the pressure on dev teams is one of my hobbies :wink: