SOLVED: Image / Mask / Repeat - Little typo

Hello world,

i found a little typo in he values - seems like the repeat-x has a repeat-y on it self :- )
Not crucial, but for some could be misleading.


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Hi @Tytus,

Thank you for your report and welcome to the community :slight_smile: I have recorded this in our bug tracker.

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Than you, got it. I have encountered also this issue which i described in the Bricks comunity on - i leave you here the link

It’s about css. When i go to Page settings and I try to put some rules in there, even though i have the base breakpoint selected the rules are described as minwidth 1279px - i use the mobile first from the beginning. I tried all the stamdard procedure but seems like there’s no difference. Maybe you reproduce the issue. If it’s not clear i can list all the steps but i think it’s self explanatory from the post.

Have a good day

We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.9.3, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Changelog: Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

The page CSS issue has already been reported: WIP: Custom CSS and base mobile breakpoint

Best regards,