Solved: How to Switching Tabs (Nestable Tabs) on Hover in Bricks Builder

Copy the script into your page builder custom code body (footer). Replace #brxe-swlnta with the tab menu element ID and #brxe-clbhbx with the tab content element ID. That should do the trick.

  const tabs = document.querySelector('#brxe-swlnta');
  const tabTitles = tabs.querySelectorAll('.tab-title');
  const tabPanes = document.querySelector('#brxe-clbhbx').querySelectorAll('.tab-pane');

  tabTitles.forEach((tabTitle, i) => {
    tabTitle.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
      // Remove 'brx-open' class from all titles and panes
      tabTitles.forEach(tempTabTitle => tempTabTitle.classList.remove('brx-open'));
      tabPanes.forEach(tempTabPane => tempTabPane.classList.remove('brx-open'));

      // Add 'brx-open' class to the hovered title and corresponding pane

Video guide:

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Modification: In case if need to do same for multiple tabs:

Here is the updated code:

  // Define an array of objects, each object contains the ID for the tab titles and the corresponding tab panes
  const tabsConfig = [
    { titles: '#brxe-trwiqw', panes: '#brxe-cqnpgw' },
    { titles: '#brxe-xbvvmo', panes: '#brxe-kcngnt' },

  // Iterate over each config object
  tabsConfig.forEach(config => {
    const tabs = document.querySelector(config.titles);
    const tabTitles = tabs.querySelectorAll('.tab-title');
    // Adjusted to select the correct pane container based on the current config
    const tabPanes = document.querySelector(config.panes).querySelectorAll('.tab-pane');

    tabTitles.forEach((tabTitle, i) => {
      tabTitle.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
        // Remove 'brx-open' class from all titles and panes within the current tab set
        tabTitles.forEach(tempTabTitle => tempTabTitle.classList.remove('brx-open'));
        tabPanes.forEach(tempTabPane => tempTabPane.classList.remove('brx-open'));

        // Add 'brx-open' class to the hovered title and corresponding pane