SOLVED: How to maintain top level/child page relationship in Bricks BREADCRUMBS?

Even if a page is child of a parent page, breadcrumbs always show HOME > CHILDPAGE without the parent.


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Default for pages is to show parent/child - which works for me so it’s not just a bricks issue. Try setting your permalinks to ‘postname’ and re-save them.
If this is for a custom post type, then it’s a wordpress issue - WP is notoriously difficult to get a proper, full url structure for CPT. A fundamental that’s never been addressed, and many rely on SEO plugins to manage breadcrumbs to overcome it.

I tried with all (3) plugin disabled, but no way to show the middle page in breadcrumbs, ever HOME > LASTPAGE.Permalink already correct, but anyway I tried to resave and put %category% in the middle without success.

Hey guys,

thanks for your “reports”.

This is a bug in the breadcrumbs element. We’re working on it.




No fixed in 1.8.4, right?

Hey @deboo,

this issue is still a WIP (see subject). We will update this thread when the issue is fixed. You will also find an information about it in the changelog then.



We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.8.5, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

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I am still experiencing this problem. Is it possible that it is only fixed for template archives, and not for page archives?

There are lots of cases, where template archives are not feasible (e.g. when it comes to querying metabox relationships). So I am wondering, if you could adress this issue as well? :slight_smile:

Hi Philipp,
What exactly do you mean by “page archives”?

The breadcrumbs element maps the structure of your pages or posts and has no relation to (relationship) custom fields because it would be almost impossible to cover every possible setup (and this would have to be done for every supported dynamic data provider :exploding_head:).

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