SOLVED: Home page url edit with bricks show Server Error 500

Bricks Version: 1.3.7
Browser: Firefox 100(64bit)
OS: Linux
URL: Error Image

System info image

I can edit all page except the home page. it Shows error.
It was working fine before.
I did disable all plugin to test it out still the same.
Some subdomain and main domain that has French or German name and domain extension not allowing me to edit only the home page url. But if I change the front page static to empty than I can edit the home page.

I can’t figure out what is wrong.

PS. similar problem found in WordPress forum


Hi Shahi,
would you be so kind as to send temporary login credentials and a link to this thread to using the email address you’ve used during purchase (so we can verify you as a customer)?

Thank you in advance,
best regards


Hi Timmse,

Thank you for your kind reply. I will surely email with all the necessary info.


I getting same issue

Hi @Gavan

Check your Apache and Nginx log.

In my case the problem was happening for this reason.

ModSecurity: Output filter: Response body too large (over limit of 1048576, total not specified)

I have solved it by this link


I fixed in plesk by doing so under firewall settings.

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Great! I am hppay that you able to fix it. :slightly_smiling_face:

How about telling everyone what you did in firewall settings?

The link is broken. So here is a screenshot.


  1. login to plesk
  2. go to tools & settings
  3. Go to Web Application Firewall (ModSecurity)
  4. Then leave the firewall on this is important for wordpress!
  5. Scroll down to switch of security rules
  6. deactivate “FIlterGen”
  7. Save wait 1 minuted, problem solved:)