SOLVED: GoDaddy: Builder not loading

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:

I’ve just purchased yesterday. I’ve installed both the parent and child themes. I’ve updated all the settings, I’ve turned off every plugin (the site is new so there was only a handful. installed) I’ve watched every video I can find. And for the life of me I can not get the builder to load on any page or post.

I’ve tried creating new pages, building a template, watching YouTube videos, asking for help via email, your online form and Facebook. (no responses from anyone but the general public on Facebook and so far nothing has helped.)

in every how to guide, once installed you click “Edit with Bricks” and bricks is meant to launch. This does not happen for me. I get nothing.

I have set up a Wordpress log in for support to access my site that has been email through but I have not had a response.

Hi Sandra,
I see that your problem has already been solved by email.

For all other users with a similar problem:

In this case the hoster is GoDaddy and needs an additional entry in the htaccess, as described in the Bricks Academy:

For GoDaddy users, you might need to add this line of code in your .htaccess file (first line)

SubstituteMaxLineLength 10M