A small problem not serious but I find very unpleasant.
When you navigate on the site the mobile menu appears very briefly which creates a flash not very pleasant for the user, thus happen on desktop and also on mobile when you click a link on the page.
I guess it’s because of the CSS that hides the mobile menu that is not interpreted fast enough.
I use bricks with the CSS in external file.
I made a video where you can see the problem Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom
Someone also reported this in the facebook group Bricks Community | Facebook
Hey @timmse, first time using Bricks and the menu element on a development site. I am experiencing the same small “background flash“ on the mobile menu. Not a big deal but also not an ideal experience. Feel free to have a look and let me know how I can help to identify and solve the issue: https://hzm.ppr-essen.de/.
I recorded a small screencast showing the mobile menu flashing problem (which might be a different one than the one that this thread is about – sorry in this case). There seems to be a problem with animating the z-indexes of the mobile menu and the mobile menu background overlay. Hard to explain exactly but I hope my video sheds some light.
Quick update for a possible fix I did not show in the video:
The problem is fixed when the mobile menu (.bricks-mobile-menu-wrapper) gets a z-index of 999 by default and not just in its final (showing / active) state (instead of changing the z-index from -1 to 999 while animating).
Thanks so much for providing me with the Video, Andre!
I think changing the transition properties works fine and is less obtrusive than changing the z-index, which might cause other issues on different sites
Laurent’s problem is different, but I still can’t reproduce it. Can you please show me your header settings @Laurent and provide me with a link where I can see the issue?
Hi Lawrence,
Is it possible that you only see the problem when you have the Developer Tools open?
We are aware of the problem (but since it’s quite strange, we don’t have a solution for it yet), however, it shouldn’t be worth mentioning for regular site visitors, since no regular visitor opens Dev Tools and then navigates through your site
I’m building my first site in Bricks and I’m seeing similar flashing problems.
The drop downs animate in briefly on page load, but also I think the skip to content button for screen readers? Which then goes nipping off the top of the screen.
I’m using the nestable nav, and just the bricks settings to add a small transition to the drop down
I can’t give a link out yet, but I’ll try to get a video
Hi, I’m experiencing the same problem too, even in the last version 1.8.6. Once a while when loading a page the mobile menu flashes even on the desktop. It uses the selected animation (fade or slide).
Somehow I dealed with it by setting it the zero width up until the mobile menu breakpoint, but it’s definitely just a workaround. I can send you a link, but it’s a site in the beginning of the dev process and everything is changing there right now, so I’m not sure if it would be too helpful.
Oh, now I have read all the comments, and it indeed seems that the issue is there only when using the dev tools (both in Chrome and Firefox). So it’s not a big deal for now…