SOLVED: Featured image is not displayed in the mega menu with posts widget

Browser: Chrome 114.0.5735.90
OS: Windows 10
Bricks 1.8-beta3)

  1. i have created a template for the mega menu.
  2. inserted the “Posts” widget and entered the query for a CPT.
  3. I output the title and the description via the “Fields”.
  4. selected and activated the featured image via the “Image” option.
  5. selected the mega menu template in the wordpress menu item dropdown
  • In the editor everything is displayed correctly on the mega menu template, but in the frontend only the space of the image is shown, but no image is displayed.
  1. Then I deactivated the option for the image and packed the featured image into a field. This is how it works.

So there is a workaround, but maybe it can be fixed.

Hey @Claudio,

thanks for your report.

Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the issue. Would you be so kind as to provide me with some temporary credentials to your site? Please send those to from the email address you used to purchase Bricks. Please also include a link to this forum topic.



Sorry, I only noticed now that this only happens when the link in the image is activated. Can you please check this again?

Hey @Claudio,

thanks for the additional information. Now I was able to reproduce the issue and added it to our bug tracker.



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Hi Claudio,
We’ve fixed this bug in Bricks 1.8, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

Hi @timmse
Images are now also displayed with the link activated. Many thanks for the quick fix! :partying_face:

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