SOLVED: Dynamic Data Labels

Bricks Version: 1.5.4

Not 100% a bug per se, I have some custom Meta Box fields on a settings page used for opening hours. This leads to a lot of duplicate labelled fields such as From & To.

In the dynamic data when searching for fields, it shows the field Label which causes some confusion.
Would it be better to have the field ID shown instead, which would be unique?
Or perhaps the field id in brackets afterwards?
Or have the search field be able search by field id also?

Or I would have to label all the fields with redundant information such as Monday From, Monday To etc which is is not the best look for the client.


Hi Dan,
Generally a good suggestion, however we are still pondering how to implement this, since the width of the dropdown is limited.

I move the thread to the right category :wink:

Best regards,

Thanks for moving :blush:

Yes is tricky as everyone names things differently.

If you can allow the search box to be able to search by field ID that would help things alot in its current state and width. That way in my example above I can search for “mon” and all my Monday fields will show only. There there is only 1 from field to select from.

An idea for width etc could be when you click into the dynamic data field the panel expands similar to how custom CSS panel expands.

This will provide some extra width that is needed and then collapses when exited?

Hi Dan,
We’ve added a couple of new dynamic data settings in Bricks 1.5.5, now available as a one-click update within your WordPress Dashboard that allow you to change the content (Label, Label + Key, Key only) of the dynamic data dropdowns.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

Hey, Saw this and great stuff. Perfectly executed and exactly what was needed. Thank you :+1:

Perhaps a radio group in the settings might be easier to select what data to display and might make it easier to understand:

1 - show label only
2 - show key only
3 - show both

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Thanks for Suggesting data labeling
