If you add a menu item to the nestable nav (in my case a dropdown, without a link on it) and then add a custom svg as icon, the svg ends up having the same class as the dropdown trigger:
I see that the class is also added to the SVG so that it can accommodate various styles such as colors etc… However, I cannot reproduce the underline problem
Would you be so kind as to provide a live link and a screencast using https://birdeatsbug.com or https://jam.dev showing and explaining what’s going on? Please use one of the tools mentioned, because they log every single step, making it possible to reproduce the issue.
Yep, didn’t notice the duplicate ID before today either. Still think the classes should also be considered cause if styling is made on a class applied to the dropdown toggle, it’ll still also apply to the icon. Basically unique Id and classes for the custom icon and all good