SOLVED: Custom fonts not displaying (front or back end)

Bricks Version: 1.5
Browser: Brave, Safari, Opera
OS: macOS
URL: Holiday Rental – Koroni Bricks

I’ve tried several times to publish new a custom font (Google Overpass), and all looks like it’s working fine until I click Publish or Update. The Preview is initially showing Overpass correctly, but then as soon as I Update, the preview displays a generic serif font.

If I inspect the computed code on either the back end preview, or the site’s front end, it says that it’s Overpass - but it’s displayed as the generic serif.

I’ve tried uploading fonts directly from Google as well as from google-webfonts-helper - the ttfs are showing correctly in Mac Finder, so I’m 99% sure they’re not corrupt.

What’s strange is that it looks correct on mobile. (Android, Brave & Firefox browsers)

After attempting a workaround of loading the fonts with CSS, which also didn’t work, I saw that my WP general settings had http rather than https.

Corrected that, updated permalinks, reloaded all the custom fonts inside Bricks… Then had to reselect the relevant fonts inside the global theme style (as well as buttons and nav menu)… and voila!

Got there in the end :grin:

Hey Mick,
I’m glad you already solved the issue :slight_smile: I was just about to take a look at it…

Best regards,

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