SOLVED: Condition from ACF file dnot working in all languages

Browser: Firefox Dev Edition
OS: Windows 11
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Issue with Bricks conditions

Hello :wave:

I have set up a condition in a text element as follows:


The ACF field shows like this on the CPT


But as you can see in the video, the text line just shows in one of the languages (Finnish) and not in the other two, even the condition of the text field has nothing to do with the language (there are other fields showing elements using a language condition, but not this one).

The translation plugin I use is TranslatePress

Hope you can help.

Love :green_heart:

Hey Aarón,

thanks for your report.

ACF’s true / false field returns localized values which makes comparing to true unreliable. Can you please try to use {acf_show_form_text:value} (instead of just {acf_show_form_text}) and compare it to 1 instead of true?



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Perfect! That worked fine. Thank you so very much for the support :pray::green_heart:

Hey Aarón,

perfect. Glad I could help. :slight_smile:



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