SOLVED: Comment not show - widget Comments

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OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:

if disable setting : COOKIE CONSENT

url after send site/page/?unapproved=26160&moderation-hash=0fc5af04ef0c7fe58c07e97d5979ee32#comment-26160

if enable setting : COOKIE CONSENT

my url - site/page/#comment-26160

What is written above turned out to be WordPress behavior. But now it’s definitely a mistake. Checked!
If theme Bricks is enabled, the verification message is not displayed. Displayed in standard themes.

Your comment is awaiting review.


Hi @clickfusion63,

I either didn’t understand your report or I was unable to replicate your issue.

I created a single template with a comments element and then created a user with the role “subscriber” and I can see the “notice” when I submit a comment:

I tried the same thing with the default WordPress 2024 theme and got the same result. Is there something I’m missing here?

That’s the problem. If you do not create a “Subscriber” user, the message does not appear.

I’m not sure I’m following. What user role are you testing this with?

no roles. The user is not logged in and is not required to log in to comment.

Hi @clickfusion63,

I just noticed that this report fell through the cracks, sorry about that! I was able to recreate the issue with logged-out users and added this to our internal bug tracker.

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has this been fixed? i’m having the same issue. when not a non-logged in user submits a comment, the page reloads with /?unapproved=26160&moderation-hash=aflr but does not display a message that it’s awaiting moderation.

Unfortunately, the task is still in progress. We will update the thread as soon as the problem is solved.

Hi everyone,

Good news! The issue has been resolved in Bricks 1.10.3, which is now available for a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Check out the full changelog here: Bricks 1.10.3 Changelog – Bricks.

If you’re still facing any issues, feel free to reach out.


@charaf Hmm, I still don’t see any difference on 1.10.3, when a comment is submitted by a visitor that is not logged in and simply entering their name, email and comment, the page reloads with no indication the comment submission was successful and pending moderation, the only thing that I can see after a comment is that there is now a change to the URL e.g. #comment-68

Is there something that needs to be enabled/altered within the settings?

Hi @TRD_Markus,

I can’t replicate the issue on 1.10.3 anymore here locally. When I add a comment as a non-logged-in visitor, this is what I see:

Can you maybe try temporarily disabling all plugins? If the issue persists, please share temporary admin access with a link to this forum thread to so we can investigate why you’re still encountering the issue on your site.

Edit: we’re able to replicate it and have added it to our bug tracker here: WIP: Comments element: Guests can’t see their unapproved comment. No need for admin access.

Hi everyone

As soon as I add another (approved) comment, I can also see the unapproved one.

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Oh yep true, thank you for the notice @HOSEIN :slight_smile:

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So, this is still a bug? Just checking as I don’t follow the conversation :confused:


yep, it still is, but only if there are no comments that are approved. As soon as there is at least one approved comment on a post, users can see their own unapproved ones.
We are working on a fix and we will update the topic that @HOSEIN linked once the issue is solved.

Best regards,