SOLVED: Can't drag an element into the structure panel after inserting a template

Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows

  1. Create a Section Template with a Section containing a Container. Insert a Heading and an Image in the Container.
  2. Create a WooCommerce – Account – Orders template and insert the Section Template created in step #1.
  3. Insert an Account – Orders Element inside the Container from the Section Template inserted in step #2.

Result: The Orders Element will not insert.

Workaround: Do not insert a template into the Orders template you are creating.

This happens with the Addresses Template too. It probably happens on all Account Tab Templates.

Thanks so much for your report!

However, I can’t quite follow, so I logged into your site and followed the steps above:

It does work, or do I not understand the report?

Best regards,

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Try to drag the element from the left over to the tree. It won’t drop anywhere. I see if you just click the elment, it will put it in. Once in, then I can put it under the Section or Container from the template import.

I see this happens when inserting the section template into a single template too. It is not WooCommece template specific.

Unfortunately, I can not replicate the issue (1.9.2 beta) :thinking:

This shows a single template, blank. I insert a section template and then I try to drag and drop a Post Title element into the tree and it won’t take.

I then click the Post Title Element and it goes in.

It’s on the test site that you have login for. Thanks!

Aaaaah, now I understand and added it to the bug tracker. Thanks!

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We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.9.8, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Changelog: Bricks 1.9.8 Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,