SOLVED: Bug with echo:antispambot not displaying properly on frontend in 1.10-beta

i noticed a bug in 1.10-beta where {echo:antispambot(‘’)} is not working properly anymore.
On the frontend youremail: is output instead of
The bug might be related to the @ in the email !
When i use the same with a phone number, it displays properly on the frontend

Going back to bricks 1.9.9 fixes the issue.

Hi @Yn_Nik_Stuntman,

thank you for your report. Yes, it’s true, in 1.10 beta, the echo tag with @ for the parameter is not working correctly. We are aware of this bug and it will be fixed in the next release.

Best regards,

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thanks you for the confirmation :smiley:

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Hi guys,

We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.10, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.
You can see the full changelog here: Bricks 1.10 Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,