SOLVED: Bricks structure panel renaming is slow and laggy on complex layouts

Hey charaf, I am have the same problem. That for complex and very large layouts the builder is very slow. Almost not edtible the content. For large pages what I do now is make an section in a other page and than copy it in the correct large page. The only plugin installed is ACSS. Is the template option still the best way to handle very large pages. I am happy to provide access to site where builder is very slow on complex/large pages.

ACSS 3.0.7 comes with an improvement for the class system, namely “Remove Deactivated Classes from Database (Bricks)”.

Did you tried it?

Indeed, I agree with you.

But after 1.9.9 I have no issues with the structure panel anymore. There is still occasional lag sometimes when using many classes but nothing compared to the previous versions. Previously, I simply could not work…now this is not the case but still there is lag related to the number of classes in the database.

ACSS released a new feature that removes deactivated classes from the database but have not yet tried it in a new install. I am so busy right now with clients that unfortunately leaves no room for testing. Nonetheless, as I said it is much much better than before.

Also another area where I see lag is with Super CSS in the Custom CSS panel from Advanced Themer. But this I am almost 100% is also related to the same class related lag given that it uses autocomplete when typing and querying the classes database.

Hi @NextLevelWeb, @h.udo, @jakasspeech2, and @Jargon,

We’ve made several performance improvements, which many of you have noticed. There’s still some more work to be done. You can follow the progress in this new thread as the current one has been resolved: WIP: Builder lags with a large number of classes & elements - #25 by charaf.