SOLVED: Bricks 1.8 - Empty menu renders chevrons

Browser: Chrome 110

After updating test site to Bricks 1.8:
All menu-items (WP Menus) in header and footer are displayed with chevrons.
Header menu is empty, but chevrons are displayed.
In Footer the same, also names of wp-menus not shown any longer, only chevrons are displayed.
See screenshots.

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I am having the same problem. Site was about to go live and now I have to wait for this to be fixed.

Thanks so much for reporting this bug.

Could you share some temporary admin login details with us via email (, so we can investigate & fix this issue? Plus, a link to the exact URL where this happens. Thank you :slight_smile:


Similar problem here.

Also 2nd level mobile nav no longer works at all for me.

E-Mail sent.

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@ everybody that has nav problems.

Regenerate the Bricks CSS cache first. :wink:

Regenerated already BEFORE posting the problem :wink:

Hi Joachim,
In your case, it’s because the menus are all empty, meaning they don’t contain any links.
Were they empty before, too?

I have added the problem to the bug tracker.

Best regards,

Hey @mlittle , are your menus also empty?
If not, please send us access data as well, if you haven’t done it yet.


Hi Stefan, my nav problems were solved by Thomas. Thanks again for the great support!

Yes, menus were empty, true. So in this case there should nothing been shown instead of chevrons.

I put for test some items in menu, then menu shows without chevrons.

So please find a solution, if a menu is empty (just there as a placeholder), that no chevrons are shown.
Looks like a missed test case :slight_smile:

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Yes, my menus are empty but there’s another problem. If the menu has submenus then the style I set for the font color is overwritten. I had to roll back to the previous version until this gets sorted out.

Hey @mlittle ,
Can you please create a new report about the font color issue showing and explaining what’s going on (best in a screencast + live link). Otherwise, it’s hard to keep track…

How can I just turn those chevrons off? I could replace them with icons, but can´t find an option how to get rid of them.

Hi Alexa, please see Andre’s answer (1):

and how it was resolved ?
Just for sharing with other people that are occurring the same problem :slight_smile:

Thomas has already implemented the fix that will be included in the next version in Markus’s site.
The "solution“ with Bricks 1.8 for any other user is: do not use empty menus :smiley:

Ahahah OK! Perfect!

Thank you for reply :slight_smile:

Empty menus as a placeholder is abolutly legitimate.
Empty menus should never be a cause for problems, because empty is a valid state for a menu.

“do not use empty menus” is not a real serious advice, only a workaround.

Any ideas when 1.8.1 with fix will be launched?

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Hi guys,
Bricks 1.8.1 is now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.
Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

Hey Stefan,

all fine for me with 1.8.1. :slight_smile:

Thanx for solving.

Now I am working on getting the “chaining classes” out of my way, a much bigger task.

Best regards,