SOLVED: Breakpoint settings in Theme Style > Popup

Browser: Chrome 120
OS: Windows

Hi bricks team,

In Theme Style > Popup, the Breakpoints section is displayed while it has no options and does not need to be displayed in Theme Style at all.

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Hi Hosein,
Thanks so much for your report!

It looks correct to me. Can you please inspect the panel and check for any select fields that might be overridden by plugin styles or custom code?

Hi @timmse,

I checked the possibilities. This problem exists even in try.bricks builder.

On everything is fine for me too :thinking:

Have you tried it in another browser or incognito tab?

Have you tried it in another browser or incognito tab?

It is the same in Firefox.
The existence of this bug is not a problem for me. I just wanted to report it. If you think there are more important things than this bug, we can forget about it. But if there is a need for troubleshooting, I am available to help.

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Ah, dammit. I was looking in the wrong panel (popup template settings, not theme styles). In the theme styles, the “Breakpoints” section is definitely obsolete :ok_hand:


Hi Hosein,
We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.9.8, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Changelog: Bricks 1.9.8 Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,