SOLVED: BETA 1.12: Transition not work on Expand item indexes in Accordion & Tabs (flat & nested)

Browser: Chrome 131.0.6778.205
OS: Windows

Hi bricks team,

If we use the Expand item indexes option in Accordion & Tabs elements, the transition does not work on it if we click on it in the frontend to close it. Please watch the video below, At 16 seconds when I close the accordion, it closes without a transition and then opens and closes as expected.


thank you. I was able to replicate the issue locally and I’ve created an internal bug report.

Best regards,

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Hi Hosein,
We fixed this issue in Bricks 1.12, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Changelog: Bricks 1.12 Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,