SOLVED: Akeeba Backup and Kickstart Restore

Bricks Version: 1.3.6
Browser: Chrome 90 / not relevant
OS: Windows

WordPress Backup and Restore with Akeeba Backup and Kickstart Restore does NOT work.
Several Pages have no bricks content and no “bricks” status after restore.
Partial Designs of pages disappear.

Will upload 4 screenshots to illustrate the issue.

I used Akeeba Backup and Kickstart to copy the website from one domain to another to test the beta 1.3.7, but before updating to 1.3.7 beta I saw the problems with restore

Hope you can fix it asap.

I also opened a ticket at Akeeba Systems, maybe it is a problem on their side.
What do you think?

Until today Akeeba Restore with Kickstart has worked fine with all different kind of pagebuilders.

Best regards

Wordpress Pages View on original website (backup)

Wordpress Pages View on restored website

Blog Page on Frontend of original website (backup)

Blog Page on Frontend of restored website

Backup and Restore on different domain works fine with Duplicator Plugin.
Seems to be a Akeeba Problem, opened a ticket already in parallel to with this ticket.
This ticket can be closed or marked as solved.

Hi Joachim, thanks for the forum stress test :smiley:
Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-24 um 23.32.41

I’m definitely glad to hear it’s not a Bricks problem :v:

Best regards,

Hey Timm,

was NOT my fault, because several things happened in parallel:

  1. Limit to implement only 1 screenshot per post ( = 4 posts)
  2. My Links to the testing environments were declined as spam from anybody/system

Thats why there were 16 posts or so from my side, which took me a lot of time, because I had to repost and rewrite everything multiple times. Was NO fun for me, much frustrating.

You only saw the 25 messages, where I had before a not so nice experience in just trying to post a problem.

I believe you, but if x posts are posted by the same user within a very short time that contain the same link, spam protection kicks in :grinning:

Sorry for the inconvenience :v:t2:

I always try to be as clear as possible to get understood correctly.
Ok, done, Schwamm drüber :smile:

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Got an answer from Akeeba which might be a helpful information for all migration-Tools with wordpress:

check the “Include post GUID in data replacement”