A quick context about the pages and Bricks templates:
Bricks will try to find the suitable header, content, and footer templates for every page rendered with Bricks, based on the template conditions. This means that if you set two header templates with the condition “Entire Site”, Bricks will only use one (the newest template).
The section template will not be triggered by any template condition. This will change in the near future when we implement the following Bricks idea: Ideas – Bricks
Getting back to the issue you are facing, I think a possible workaround to build a layout with a vertical header template + an horizontal top bar on every page (as described here), is to create the top bar as a section template, and then use the Bricks template shortcode to render that section template using the following code (add it to your Bricks child theme functions.php):
Thank you @luistinygod !
I appreciate it. it is a fix for this issue however not an ideal one as there are some issues with it ( things are not displayed quite right such as no margin from the vertical header)
It would be awesome to see it being officially supported to add more headers or parts/sections