SOLVED: ACF Relation field for mail form

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS

Hey there,
I set up the following scenario:

  • I have a course overview page on which you can select a course - set up as a CPT with custom fields. Selecting a course opens a modal with further information.
  • Linked to each course is one instructor, which is a CPT as well, via an ACF relation.
  • Within that modal (holds info of the course fields) I have a query set to an ACF relation, so I can read out the instructors’ information like name and mail address.
  • This fully works: I can output the name and the mail of the instructor.

Now, my issue: I tried to add a bricks form to the query, so I can send mails directly to the instructor of the course - see screenshot. But the mails are not being sent to the instructor but to the admin mail, like the mail address would not be accessible/readable.

Any ideas? I tried setting up the custom field as text and mail field.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-25 um 10.27.30

Does someone know a solution or can replicate my problem?

Hi @Seb,

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Could you please try adding that dynamic data tag to a text element and see what’s rendered to make sure that the email is available on that page? if the field renders then please send us temporary admin access to to investigate further.

Thanks for your reply!
Sent you a login.

When I add the data to a text element, it is correctly rendered. Once I send the mail it is send to the admin mail.

PS: the site is partially in German. I tried to translate some things.

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Hi @Seb,

Thanks a lot for sharing access. I replicated your setup locally and was able to reproduce the bug. I have added this to our internal bug tracker :slight_smile:

You’re welcome and thank you! I look forward to using it :slight_smile:

is that already solved? i have the same issue, i use 1.9.8 i also want to use a acf data for a email adress
BUT here the form is used in a popup, some things work, like headeline (vorname) (nachname)
And i use that in a Loop element. ( about 20 people are listed with mail an i would like everyone has its own web form)
I also tried t ad a form to every person with no popup, does also not work.
It also does not render the mail into “mail Content”

i can not use dynamic data for some other things like Form name or “thank you” Message
Thank you messagte:
Sent forms:

I just tried some things…
It works when u use it on a single page with no loop element.
So the loop element seems to have a problem with it.

Unfortunately, the task is still in progress @nafetS . As soon as it’s fixed, we’ll update this thread and change the title prefix from “WIP” (work in progress) to “SOLVED” :v:

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Ok, thank you. In the meantime I can read very well with the other solution :slight_smile:

Hi ! I have the same problem :
i have an ACF txt field with an email adress type in and my popup form dosent want to send it, when i click on “send” it loop …


We’ve fixed this in Bricks 1.11, now available as a one-click download from your dashboard.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

You can see the full changelog here: Bricks 1.11 Changelog – Bricks

Best regards,