SOLVED: ACF image field bug on taxonomy with no posts assigned

I have an ACF image field added to a CPT categories taxonomy which I use to customise the archive page when displaying a list of posts in the category.

Bricks won’t load this image data into the background if there are not posts in the category.

Background image works

Background image fails:

If I assign a post to the land category then the ACF image assigned to it then shows correctly.

Thanks so much for your report!

I reproduced the issue and added it to our bug tracker.

Best regards,

Quick update/workaround: If you use the image element and place it absolutely instead of using a background image, it works as expected.

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Thanks, I have implemented this work-around for the time being. :slight_smile:

Following this! I’ve used this work-around for now but would be good to get this bug squashed!


The problem should already be solved in the meantime. Can you confirm @SpinDreams ?