SOLVED: 1.4 RC2 Icon with SVG - Size & Color Bug

Bricks Version: 1.4 RC 2
Browser: Brave Version 1.38.111 Chromium: 101.0.4951.54 (Offizieller Build) (arm64)
OS: macOS 11.6.5
URL: localhost

The size and color fill bug for the icon element with SVG file still exists. Sizing and color fill not shown in back- and frontend.

Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I am not able to reproduce the issue (in chrome or brave):

Please regenerate your CSS (if using external files) and clear your browser cache and let me know, if that solves the issue :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hi Stefan,
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I think the problem has to do with the svg file itself. It works fine in older Bricks versions (1.3.7), but not in 1.4x. I will link the file as a download for testing. Hopefully you will find a solution.

Thanks and best regards,

It’s definitely related to the SVG file itself. I guess the “polygon points” part is crucial…

If I use SVGOMG to “transform” the file, it works without any issues, because the polygon part gets changed to a path.

Please take a look at my screen recording:

Best regards,

Hi Stefan, thank you so much for your video! The bug comes from the part with the id in the SVG file. I am just wondering that it works in 1.3.7.

My file comes from Illustrator SVG Export (standard settings), but now I found the right Illustrator export setting so that it doesn’t include the ID. But there is still SVGOMG.

Thanks for your help :muscle: :+1:

That’s right, the ID is the culprit. The SVG must contain only one ID, of course… :ok_hand:

Btw., there are way too many (different) ways of exporting (different) SVGs in Illustrator: The Different Ways of Getting SVG Out of Adobe Illustrator | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks :sweat_smile:

Best regards,

Thanks, and yes too many export ways in Illustrator :boom:

Best regards,