Slider typography

Using 1.3.7beta with Brave browser on Linux.

How do I change all the Slider text styles?

I have a slider with the Title displayed ( set to h3 ).
I have no Theme style set for h3.
On the Slider element under Style and Typography I can change the font of the displayed title and the font style and transforms. However I can’t change the Font colour, size or weight.
What am I doing wrong and why are only some of the settings having any affect?

Should say that I am trying to achieve a banner like text over the slide which uses an image as a background.


Hi Alan,

you’ll find the styles for title, content and button under content » settings.

Best regards,

Doh, how do i keep on missing this? Same settings in too many places. Anyway thanks.

But - I still can’t change the size of the font. That stays stubbornly fixed.

Also I notice that when I cancel a setting within the Title typography, such as font size ( which didn’t seem to do anything ) then the whole title typography section is collapsed and I have to reopen it. Can’t it stay open as I am very likely to want to make other changes?



it is possible that not all fixes have been applied to the beta, but as far as I can see with my dev version (which is relatively close to the stable), everything looks fine:

Have a little patience :wink:

Many thanks for taking the time to look and video. That is exactly what I am trying to achieve, even down to the colour! But mine will not make the font size as yours shows. Tried using the Title and the Content text, both the same.
I shall be patient!


FYI @timmse

Tested this on 1.3.6 and it all works as it should.
Using 1.3.7beta all the units work ok except for PX.
This applies to all elements with fonts, not just the Slider.


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