Slider: custom options result in not showing slider - how to do it right?

in another disscussion I got the tip from the kind user wplit to set the settings of the nestible slider to “Custom” and then enter my own code. (NO BUG: Slider(Nestable) Autoplay not working - #20 by wplit)

I tried that… Unfortunately without success. I added the following code in the “Custom” section. Unfortunately, this results in the slider not showing up in the frontend at all.

“type”: “loop”,
“direction”: “ltr”,
“keyboard”: “global”,
“height”: “70vh”,
“padding”: “20%”
“start”: “1”,
“perPage”: “1”,

I probably didn’t mark up the code correctly. I tried to get an idea of how to do it correctly via Google and in the documentation of Splide (Options - Splide). But unfortunately I can’t get any further there.

Is there a how-to where the implementation of custom code for the slider is explained for dummies like me? Thanks for any help!

The JSON needs to be valid, currently you’re using the wrong type of quotes and are missing a comma in the padding, there may be other issues, but at first glance that’s the main issue. If you put it through a JSON validator it should show up the issues.

edit- here’s how it should be;

"type": "loop",
"direction": "ltr",
"keyboard": "global",
"height": "70vh",
"padding": "20%",
"start": 1,
"perPage": 1,
"reducedMotion": {
    "autoplay": false,
    "speed" : 400

(notice the numbers for perPage , perMove etc need to be integers, not strings, so no quotes)

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hooray… This works great and now I have understood the principle. So many thanks for your effort :slight_smile:

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Is it possible to use event callbacks here and what is the valid json for that?
For example mounted, moved or resized output to console.log(‘’).